
Agricultural Management System: A Review

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Conference Name
International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Food Technologies for Sustainable Productivity and Nutritional Security
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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, India, Association of Agricultural Technology in Sou

The changes occurring in global climate and increase in frequency of extreme weather conditions pose a challenge for the agriculture industry. In such unpredictable conditions, achieving required outputs from farming for supporting the continuously increasing population is a key management task. The objective of this review is to outline the current trends and advances in agricultural management. The related literature is reviewed in context of constraint evaluation, process determination and resource optimization. For each of these three management tasks, discussion regarding the related literature is done and the future requirements are discussed which will facilitate the development of framework for implementation of agricultural management system. The constraint evaluation is necessary for understanding the shortcomings of resources such as land, machinery, monitoring techniques etc. The suitable tools and equipment used for selected process should take into account farming parameters like climate conditions, availability of work force etc. The resource optimization may incorporate the decision making and management strategies implemented in farming which may include, availability of agricultural product warehouse, emergency treatments on crops due to varied climate conditions etc. For maintaining and improving farm output quantity, effective utilization of available resources is of utmost importance. The optimum utilization of resources can be obtained with the use of an efficient agricultural management system. The effectiveness of the system is determined with reference to the critical decision making task performed in different stages of agricultural management.

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