
Embodiment design of a soil bin for soil-tool interaction study

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Iop Publishing
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The agriculture industry is an important aspect of Indian economy. The changes occurring in global climate and increased frequency of extreme weather conditions pose challenges for agriculture industry. In such unpredictable conditions, achieving required outputs from farming for supporting continuously increasing population necessitates the mechanization of traditional processes. The selection of machinery for such mechanized setup is a key management task. Tractor is one of the farm machines being used in various farm related operations. Thus understanding constraints imposed on selection of a tractor is a primary factor in decision making process. The study has highlighted importance of power requirement for farming operation in tractor selection process. Thus to determine power requirement for farming operation a study of soil-tool interaction is necessary. A soil bin setup is one of the tools for studying the soil-tool interaction. This work presents the conceptual and embodiment design of a soil bin developed to find variation in draft force with respect to variations in the parameters like tillage depth, operation speed and soil moisture level. The tillage depth and operation speed were found to be directly proportional whereas the soil moisture level was found to be inversely proportional to the draft force.

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