
“Interrogating the Intrusion of the Civilized World in Mohanty’s Paraja : Exploring the Clash of Cultures”

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Mr. Sathish Kumar
Publishing Date
pp 66-70

Abstract: Very few Indian writers have given literary space for tribal life in their narratives. This shows the writers’ apathy towards the tribal people in India. The colonial and early post-colonial literature mostly described them as ‘the uncivilized others’ or ‘savages’ in contrast with the ‘civilized modern’ or ‘cultured intellectuals’. In the Government Act of 1935, the then depressed class or aboriginal natives were listed and named as the Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) by the Britishers as a provision for identifying their presence in India, and their representation in the various sectors of social life. In modern social and political discourses, the tribal people have been referred to as Dalits, whereas the members of subaltern groups treat them as ‘subalterns’ due to their primeval place in society. Gopinath Mohanty’s Paraja (1946) is an exception to such attitudes towards tribal people. For Mohanty, the tribal people are a self-sufficient and well-organized society. The tribal world was originally full of joy and exuberance. It was only when modern civilization encroached upon their space, they were disintegrated and shattered. His fascination for tribal life, later, inspired him to produce a great corpus of literature in the Oriya language; which put him in the line of greatest Indian fiction writers of all time. Five out of his twenty-four novels are based on different tribal issues. Among his novels, Paraja is the most lyrical, poignant, and soul-stirring for its realistic portrayal of human pathos and its tragic close at the end. The study aims to explore the intrusion of the tribal landscape by the so-called civilized and cultured world and how it wreaks havoc on the gentle family fabric of the tribal people, as seen through the eyes of Mohanty. Keywords: Subaltern, Paraja, Domb, Gotihood, Festivals, Marginality, Tribal Faiths and Customs, Cultural hegemony, etc.

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