
Pervasive Traffic Management using OBDUINO and Cloud Server

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Somaiya International Conference on Technology and Management
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K.J.SIMSR, Mumbai

Smart city portray a city that redesigned innovation so as to enhance the quality with less efforts. One approach to enhancing the Traffic Management Control is taking real time data about each vehicle and analyzes it to for different requirements of the traffic control system.Current traffic management system has many limitations because of lack of information gathering from vehicles. In this paper we propose an pervasive traffic management systemthatutilize information which is collected through OBDuino device and send to the data server and the client end. Information stored on the cloud server by utilizing Arduino Microchip and it is shown to the Traffic administration control. The arrangement of information ought to be characterized by the master learning and intelligible shape. By developing this proposed framework,the continuous information log will be accessible to client end as well as activity administration control framework

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