
Using Mobile Learning for Developing Writing Skills among Vernacular Medium Upper Primary School Students
- Abstract
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Abstract Mobile based language learning is recognised as a potential and convenient way as extension to currently existing methods because it is spontaneous. Mobile computing becomes an attractive motivation for learners. This offers the learners a chance to practice writing on-the-move. Although there have been studies to improve writing skills, academic writing was never really touched. The participants were three boys, from which two of them were little bit able to read and write English but the third child was unable to read and write English. The possibilities of mobile learning in teaching academic writing skills for students are explored in this paper. The findings reveal that with the help of mobile learning students took active part and they were collaborative towards the activities and they started taking initiative in the activities. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the potential of mobile learning in teaching Vernacular medium students‘ academic writing is high. Keywords: Mobile based language learning, Mobile computing