
“Enriching Curriculum Through Laboratory Courses for Technology-Enhanced Learning”

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Conference Name
2018 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2018)
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Conference Venue
IIT Madras, Chennai, India

Experiences in laboratory continue to be an important aspect of engineering education. Laboratory plays very vital role in acquiring technical skills which are most needed in professional career. Traditionally learning from theory courses are supplemented by laboratory for verification and conceptual understanding. However, the reduced focus on laboratory work in terms of credits assigned and the mundane nature of laboratory instruction in the curriculum result into dwindling level of student interest. Considering penetration of IT in all engineering branches, every engineer must be equipped with basic IT background which enhances employability and enables him to keep pace with technology. The purpose of this paper is to share experience of focused laboratory learning environment introduced in curriculum of an autonomous self-financed college. The curriculum for laboratory courses is designed for exposure to advanced technology and hands-on experience which can result into professional development of a graduate. One cycle of implementation and responses of stakeholders show encouraging results.

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